英文名称 | HUC-1; SV-HUC; SVHUC |
描述 | This strain of cells is a normal ureteral tissue transfected with SV40 virus. The African Green Monkey Kidney Cell Plate Test was repeatedly used to detect the production of infectious SV40, and the results were negative. Viruses may be activated under stress (e.g., exposure to chemical agents). ATCC also has a chemically transformed oncogenetic cell line, MC-SV-HUC T2, catalog number CRL-9519. Mycoplasma tests in this library. The STR identification in this library is correct. |
种属 | 人 |
组织来源 | 输尿管,输尿管上皮 |
形态 | 上皮细胞 |
生长方式 | 贴壁 |
无菌检测 | 细菌、酵母、支原体检测匀为阴性 |
病原体检查 | HIV、乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎检查均为阴性 |
运输方式 | 复苏发货或干冰冷冻发货 |
安全性 | 所有肿瘤和病毒转染的细胞均视为有潜在的生物危害性,必须在二级生物安全台内操作,并请注意防护。 |
培养 | 推荐WHELAB自配培养基: |
保存 | 冻存条件:细胞保存液(货号:G0200) 保存条件:液氮存储 |
供应限制 | 仅供科学研究之用。 |
- 1[C1003]LNCaP clone FGC人前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-1740
- 2[C1062]WPMY-1人正常前列腺基质永生化细胞ATCC;CRL-2854
- 3[C1130]PC-3人前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-1435
- 4[C1165]22RV1人前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-2505
- 5[C1210]VCaP人前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-2876
- 6[C1219]PC-3M人前列腺癌细胞KCLB;80020
- 7[C2053]RM-1小鼠前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-3310
- 8[M1007A]前列腺上皮细胞培养基
- 9[M1007B]前列腺上皮细胞培养基
- 10[C1282]LNCaP人前列腺癌细胞DSMZ;ACC-256
- 11[C1283]HSAS2人皮肤成纤维细胞
- 12[C1285]C4-2前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-3314
- 13[C1286]PC-3M-IE8人前列腺癌高转移细胞株
- 14[C1287]LNCap-C4-2B人前列腺癌细胞ATCC;CRL-3315
货号 | C1020 |
名称 | SV-HUC-1人输尿管上皮永生化细胞ATCC;CRL-9520 |
规格 | 1 x 10^6 cells/T25 |